B Respectful Logo

Respect for the Environment

Environmental Care Logo

Respect for the Environment

Did you know that a printer cartridge takes up to 1000 years to biodegrade?

Every time a cartridge is sent to landfill, this means a waste of plastic, metal and even oil, which is used in manufacturing.

It means that non-renewable resources are sent into the ground, or our oceans, to potentially pollute our planet for many hundreds of years.

We know we can do better.

Our Respectful Remanufacturing Process

Respectful cartridges are not sent to landfill but returned to Banner to be re-manufactured in a six-stage process:

  1. Cartridge collection
  2. Cartridges sorted & inspected
  3. Products dissembled
  4. Components utilised
  5. Reprocessing work
  6. New product creation
Respectful Workflow Process

Benefits of our Re-Manufacturing Process

  • No non-renewable resources are used to breakdown plastic and metal components
  • The removal of waste toner uses compressed air and is chemical free

Respectful cartridges offer the highest form of environmental responsibility because they consume far less materials and natural resources than single use cartridges.